About Us

We’re a provider of digital products and services, targeting the 65+ market segments with a range of PREVENTIVE care solutions. Our goals are to improve the quality of life of older aged persons, decreasing the workload of nurses/caregivers and increasing the peace of mind of family members.

Our Vision

In order for our population to be healthy it’s important to establish long-term behavioral change by convincing people in old age, and even the 50+ age group, to improve their wellbeing, i.e. increase their resilience. An improved resilience delays the onset of frailty as well as reducing the pace of frailty decline at very old age.
It's our belief that this is best achieved by developing solutions, from a wider context, than the usual 'problem' context. Instead of solving the problem of drinking enough water, we tackle the dehydration problem from a broader perspective to motivate older aged persons to move well ánd drink well ánd eat well. By 'embedding' technologies in the everyday lives of our citizens it's our belief, of which some has already been demonstrated, that older adults can be tempted and encouraged to engage in meaningful physical activities (walking as well as to be more active at home), drinking and eating sufficiently (and healthy) as well as socializing by meeting other people.

Our Ambition

It is our ambition to develop solutions that can evolve from tackling a single care condition like tackling dehydration, malnutrition or inactivity, to a suite of solutions that together function as a single solution to prevent or tackle the conditions commonly found in frail older aged persons.

Delivering on our Ambition: EncourAGE both a concept and a solution

With EncourAGE we've created a blueprint of how a connected society could look like. EncourAGE is a digital suite which has been created considering with the focus [obviously] on end-users but also considering the issues and challenges faced by major stakeholders.

We invite you to get in touch with us and learn more about the philosophy that has led to the conception pf EncourAGE concept and the development of EncourAGE as a solution.

We promise a refreshing and challenging look into a future solution which addresses today's problems.